Quotation of the Day

Monday, October 09, 2006

A Story From The " Chicken Soup For The Soul " Series

Every year on the shore of hawaii and many other american shores and shores of australia a large amount starfishes are washed ashore because of the high tide . On one such day when particularly a large amount of starfishes were washed ashore , a newyorker spotted a villager in hawaii picking indivdual starfishes and chucking them back into the sea . he stopped the villager and asked him what he was thinking of accomplishing . The villager said he was saving their lives . The man smiled at the innocent mind and said that all the beach accounted for more than ten million star fishes washed ashore , and so the villager's efforts amounted for nothing more than a mere waste of time and he enlightened him that he was not making any difference . At this the villager just smiled and picked another starfish and chucked it back into the ocean . He was aware of the newyorker closely following his proceedings .
After chucking his starfish , the villager turned to the newyorker and simply said
" Made a difference to that one ! "

so whatever it is that u r thinking of starting , please remember that nothing nyone can do or is doing can be insignificant or futile .
life is full of such small feats attempted and accomplished
if you dont think that the best things in life are for free ; try not breathing for a while .